Monday, July 10, 2017

Treatments and Procedures We Offer

Are you in need of an Eye Procedure? Here at Wile’s Eye Center, we offer a variety of different procedures and treatments for our patients. We pride ourselves on using the most up-to-date technology to successfully treat our patients. YOU are our number one priority. Procedures we offer include the following:
1. Cataract removal surgery
2. Advanced IOLs
3. Macular degeneration treatment
4. Glaucoma treatment
5. Presbyopia treatment
6. Eyelid surgery
7. LASIK eye surgery
8. Dry Eye treatment
9. Diabetic Eye treatment

If you or anyone you know has questions about a procedure, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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Monday, July 3, 2017

Protect your Eyes this Fourth of July

Protecting your Eyes this 4th of July:
1. Always wear eye wear to protect your eyes. Did you know that 9/10 eye injuries caused by fireworks could have been prevented by wearing protective eye wear?
2. Keep a safe distance from the firework. More than 60% of injuries caused by fireworks happen to innocent bystanders.
3. Keep fireworks away from children. Fireworks handled by children put not only the child, but those around the child at a greater risk of injury.
4. Seek help immediately if you are injured by a firework.

If you have questions about eye safety while handling fireworks, or have an eye injury, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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Monday, June 26, 2017

Cataract Fact #4

Here’s your Cataract Fact of the Day:
At Wiles Eye Center, we use the ORA (Optiwave Refractive Analysis) System to provide the best outcome of cataract surgery possible. This system is an intra-operative guidance technology that helps surgeons determine which Intraocular lens implant is best for the patient. This allows less waiting time for the patient to actually undergo surgery. This system also helps enhance the vision quality of patients and increases the success rate of cataract surgery.

If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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Monday, June 19, 2017

Cataract Fact #3

Your Cataract Fact of the Day:

People with diabetes are more at risk for developing cataracts. Not only are people suffering from this disease more prone to developing cataracts, but they’re also at risk for developing cataracts at an early age.
If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Cataract Fact #2

Your cataract fact of the day:
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cataracts are the leading cause of blindness. Cataracts are responsible for 51% of all blindness, causing disability in over 20 million people. It is estimated that cataracts severely affect more than 58 million people world wide.

If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

FAQs for Cataract Surgery

The cataract surgeons at Wiles Eye Center believe it is natural for candidates to have questions about the procedure. Check out our list of the most frequently asked questions, and submit your own by sending us an email today.

Am I too old for cataract surgery?

There is no established age limit for cataract surgery. As long as you are in good health and our cataract surgeons deem you a suitable candidate, you can safely undergo cataract surgery.

Can I have cataract surgery if I had LASIK?

Yes, it is possible to have cataract surgery after having LASIK. The only caveat is that in order to deliver the best possible cataract surgery results, your surgeon needs information about your eyesight and eyes prior to LASIK. You may be asked to obtain your pre-LASIK medical records in order to provide the surgeon with this information.

How soon after cataract surgery can I drive?

You can drive when: a) your postoperative vision meets the state results for driving vision; and b) you feel comfortable enough to get behind the wheel. This usually occurs within a week of surgery.

Can I have cataract surgery if I have glaucoma?

Yes, patients with glaucoma can undergo cataract surgery. These patients typically require some extra care and monitoring of their intraocular pressure. Additional follow-up visits may be required.

What is Micro-Touch Advanced Cataract Surgery?

Micro-Touch advanced cataract surgery is a variation of traditional cataract surgery using techniques pioneered by Dr. Wiles. The cataract is removed through a small opening that can heal on its own without stitches. It is shorter, safer and more successful than traditional cataract surgery.

Will I need glasses after cataract surgery?

Whether you wear glasses after cataract surgery depends on the type of IOL you choose to have implanted. Standard IOLs restore clear vision at a single fixed distance, and usually require glasses to see at other distances. On the other hand, multifocal or accommodating IOLs restore clear vision at multiple distances. Although no IOL can guarantee that you will never need to wear glasses again, multifocal or accommodating lenses reduce dependence on glasses most of the time.

My grandfather had to wear thick clumsy glasses after cataract surgery. Will that be the same for me?

No, if you do need eyeglasses after cataract surgery, you can select a sleeker design with the help of our optometrist.

Can cataract surgery fix my astigmatism?

Yes, there are two ways to fix astigmatism in cataract patients. The first option is to place a special toric IOL that has built-in astigmatism correction. The second is to make what are known as limbal relaxing incisions to relax the curvature of the cornea. Sometimes the two approaches are combined.

Contact Wiles Eye Center

If you have a question about cataract surgery that wasn’t covered in this post, Wiles Eye Center invites you to call our Kansas City location at 816-455-2020 or our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We would be happy to speak with you over the phone or schedule an appointment for you to meet our cataract team.

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Monday, May 22, 2017

What You Didn’t Know About Eye Exams

Here are some things you didn’t know about eye exams:

You may be surprised to know what can be determined from something as simple as a person’s eye exam. Sometimes, these exams uncover diseases the patient didn’t even know they had. If something’s negatively affecting the body, it will also affect the eyes.  It’s not an independent system. Almost every day, we’re working along with primary care physicians and other specialists to provide treatment for our patient.

Please call us at Wiles Eye Center to schedule your annual eye exam. The number to our Kansas City location is 816-455-2020. The number to our St. Joseph location is 816-279-7015.

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Monday, May 15, 2017

FAQs Answered

Here are a few of our frequently asked questions:

Q: “Since the autoimmune system can cause dry eye syndrome, could a person’s diet directly affect the function of the glands of their eyes?”
A: There’s been research on whether things like fish oils and the components of the fish oils can help not only with that, but also the inflammation on the eye. There’s medications that can affect the gland function, but diet itself probably doesn’t pay as much a role into it as we may like.

Q: “Could anti-inflammatories or other types of medications cause or impact dry eye syndrome?”
A: Not as much. Ophthalmologists will use anti-inflammatories, topical medications, in the eye. Some of those may be steroids to help with acute, severe dry eye. There’s anti-inflammatories in a completely different class. One very common that gets a lot of marketing support is Restasis. It’s important to try and find the right person that it’s going to work with and for that person to have the right expectations of when they can start to notice benefit, what that benefit is going to seem like, and things like that.

Q: “How can Dr. Wiles help me if I think I have dry eye syndrome?”
A: You will just need to call Wiles Eye Center in either Kansas City or St. Joseph to set up a consultation. Usually people will be seen within a day or two after calling for a consultation, but most of the time it takes even less time than that.
You can contact us by calling (816) 455-2020 for our Kansas City loation, or for our St. Joseph location, you can call (816)279-7015. Our website is

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Monday, May 8, 2017

How to Reduce Symptoms of Dry Macular Degeneration

How Symptoms of Dry Macular Degeneration are Reduced:
1. Nutritional therapy
2. High amounts of antioxidants
3. Supplements may also be prescribed to support the macula

There is no known “cure” for this disease. You should consult with your physician to come up with a treatment plan that’s right for you.

If you have questions about Macular Degeneration, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Diagnosis Process of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Most people who develop AMD don’t show symptoms early on. Only a dilated eye exam can detect AMD. Your diagnosis process may include the following:
The diagnosis of AMD will start with a routine visual acuity test, which measures how well you see at various distances. Next, your eyes will be dilated and your eye exam will be performed. During this eye exam, your eye doctor will look for signs of AMD. You may also receive a test called a Fluorescein angiogram. An optometrist will inject a fluorescent dye into the patient’s arm and take various pictures of the eye as the dye passes through the vessels. This test can help the optometrist detect AMD as well. Your diagnosis of AMD may also include a Optical coherence tomography test, which is similar to an ultrasound, but uses light to capture high definition pictures of the eye tissue.

Please call Wiles Eye Center today if you are suffering from macular degeneration, or if you have questions about this condition. You can contact us by calling (816) 455-2020 for our Kansas City location, or for our St. Joseph location, you can call (816)279-7015. Our website is

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from Wiles Eye Center

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Here’s How you Can Reduce your Risk of Developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration:

Here are a Few Ways you Could Reduce your Risk of Developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration:
– Exercise Regularly
– Avoid Smoking
– Maintain good blood pressure and cholesterol levels
– Eat a healthy diet that includes leafy greens and fish

Please call Wiles Eye Center today if you are suffering from macular degeneration, or if you have questions about this condition. You can contact us by calling (816) 455-2020 for our Kansas City location, or for our St. Joseph location, you can call (816)279-7015. Our website is

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from Wiles Eye Center

How you Could Reduce your Risk of Developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration:

Here are a Few Ways you Could Reduce your Risk of Developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration:
– Exercise Regularly
– Avoid Smoking
– Maintain good blood pressure and cholesterol levels
– Eat a healthy diet that includes leafy greens and fish

Please call Wiles Eye Center today if you are suffering from macular degeneration, or if you have questions about this condition. You can contact us by calling (816) 455-2020 for our Kansas City location, or for our St. Joseph location, you can call (816)279-7015. Our website is

*The above points are only suggestions of possibly preventing AMD. It is not guaranteed you won’t develop AMD.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Here’s Who is At Risk for Developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration:

Here’s Who is At Risk for Developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration:

1. Smoker’s- Research suggests that smokers double their risk of developing AMD
2. Genetics- People who have a family history of AMD are more likely to develop the condition.
3. Ethnicity- AMD is more common in Caucasians than any other race

Please call Wiles Eye Center today if you are suffering from macular degeneration, or if you have questions about this condition. You can contact us by calling (816) 455-2020 for our Kansas City location, or for our St. Joseph location, you can call (816)279-7015. Our website is

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from Wiles Eye Center

Thursday, March 9, 2017

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

What is Age- Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?

AMD is a very common eye condition. It causes damage to the macula of the eye, which allows for sharp vision of objects that are straight-ahead. This condition does not cause blindness, but it does cause blurred vision in the center of the eye- making it hard to carry out daily activities. Each patient with this condition experiences the deterioration of their vision at a different pace. This condition is also the number one cause of vision loss in people ages 50+.

Please call Wiles Eye Center today if you are suffering from macular degeneration, or if you have questions about this condition. You can contact us by calling (816) 455-2020 for our Kansas City location, or for our St. Joseph location, you can call (816)279-7015. Our website is

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from Wiles Eye Center

Thursday, March 2, 2017

What is Micro-Touch Advanced Cataract Surgery?

Using techniques pioneered by Dr. Wiles, the cataract is gently removed through an opening so small that it heals without any stitches. A custom-designed lens implant, call an intraocular lens (IOL), is placed into your eye in order to restore bright, clear vision. The newest implants allow you to see more naturally without glasses.

Cataract surgery is one of the most successful procedures in the United States. Micro-Touch Advanced Cataract Surgery takes this success to new levels. This advanced technique has been perfected over tens of thousands of cases. It is pain-free, uses eye drops to administer an anesthetic (no needles required), and normally requires no stitches or eye patches. Micro-Touch Advanced Cataract Surgery is 66 percent more efficient which means it takes less time, is a safer procedure, and has better results than traditional cataract surgery.

If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Is Cataract Surgery Right for You?

Is Cataract Surgery Right for you?
Cataract surgery is one of the most successful procedures performed in the United States. Almost everyone’s vision improves and side effects are rare. Although you can live with cataracts for a period of time, it is usually safer and easier on you to remove them before they advance to severe vision loss. Cataracts should be removed when you want to see better, and when we anticipate significant visual improvement from the procedure. Our doctors and staff are dedicated, experienced cataract surgery professionals and will be able to help you decide if a cataract surgery procedure is right for you. Our staff is also available to answer the many questions you may have like:

Can I wear makeup after cataract surgery?
Are you awake during cataract surgery?
Can I go swimming after cataract surgery?

If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

*You should consult your physician to decided whether cataract surgery is right for you or not.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Importance of Nutrition in Cataracts

The Importance of Nutrition in Cataracts:
Research suggests that those who eat nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables have reduced-risk of developing eye complications. Key nutrients for the preventative measure include vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, lutein, and zeaxithin. Common foods containing these nutrients are carrots, yogurt, beef, eggs, broccoli, peas, and many others.

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the problems listed above, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Thursday, February 9, 2017

How to Reduce your Risk of Developing Cataracts

How to Reduce Your Risk of Developing Cataracts:
1. Eat nutritious food such as fresh vegetables and fruits and whole-grains.
2. Wear sunglasses while you’re outside.
3. Have you eyes examined regularly.
4. Avoid smoking.
5. Reduce your alcohol consumption.
6. Take care of getting all other health issues addressed and treated.

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the problems listed above, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How to Deal with the Symptoms of Cataracts

How to Cope with the Symptoms of Cataracts Until you Have them Removed:
1. Wear sunglasses while outside during the day.
2. Use a magnifying glass while reading.
3. Try not to drive at night.
4. Make sure your eye prescription is correct.
5. Make your home as bright as possible for optimal vision.

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the problems listed above, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

*The above points are only suggestions. You should consult with your physician to decide what’s right for you.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Common Outcomes of Cataract Removal Surgery


Outcomes of Cataract Removal:
1. Approximately 96% of those who had no pre-existing eye disease saw enough vision improvement to legally drive without glasses or contacts.
2. Approximately 90% of all patients who underwent cataract removal had good outcomes, including those with pre-existing eye conditions.
3. Very few patients had complications as a result of surgery. Of those few who did, most of the complications were infection.
4. Less than 2% had sight-threatening complications from their surgery.
5. The most common complication as a result of cataract removal surgery is posterior capsular opacification (PCO), which is a cloudiness of vision months after surgery. A simple laser procedure can reverse almost all of the affects of PCO.

If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Post-Cataract Surgery: the Basics

Post-operative Recovery: The Basics

Post- Cataract Surgery: the Basics
1. When you first remove the eye shield, don’t be worried if your vision is still blurry. It will take some time for your eye to adjust.
2. You can expect to have red or blood shot eyes.
3. Bruising around the eye isn’t abnormal if an anesthetic injection was given through the skin.
4.  Most patients see clearly within a few hours of surgery, but that time period varies for every person.
5. Expect a follow up visit within a day or two after surgery to check for complications.
6. Dry, itchy eyes aren’t uncommon after surgery.
7. Most of the time, the eyes will be fully healed within a month or so.

* Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any unusual symptoms after you’ve had cataract surgery.
If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Cataract Surgery: Post-Operative Eye Care

How to Care for Your Eyes After Cataract Surgery: Post-Operative Eye CarePost-Operative Eye Care
– Avoid driving in the first day after surgery
– Avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks
– Directly following the procedure, avoid bending over and other things than can cause extra strain on your eyes
– Avoid swimming for a few weeks to prevent infection
– Refrain from rubbing your eye

*For your specific post-op eye care plan, be sure to check with your doctor.
If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

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from Wiles Eye Center

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Cataract Removal Surgery 101

Cataract Removal Surgery 101:Cataract Removal Surgery
During this procedure, the lens containing the cataract will be removed and replaced with an artificial lens, called an intraocular lens (IOL). This procedure is minimally invasive, so the risk of complications is greatly reduced. The procedure is simple and usually takes about 10-20 minutes. The surgery may be preformed by manually creating tiny incisions, or with a laser. Patients who undergo this procedure will either be sedated or given an anesthetic, so they should have someone to drive them home after the procedure. The procedure will preformed in an outpatient setting, so no over-night stay is required or necessary.

If you or anyone you know has questions about cataracts, or would like to set up an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. You can also call our St. Joseph location at 816-279-7015. We are happy to help.

The post Cataract Removal Surgery 101 appeared first on Wiles Eye Center.

from Wiles Eye Center