Most people who develop AMD don’t show symptoms early on. Only a dilated eye exam can detect AMD. Your diagnosis process may include the following:
The diagnosis of AMD will start with a routine visual acuity test, which measures how well you see at various distances. Next, your eyes will be dilated and your eye exam will be performed. During this eye exam, your eye doctor will look for signs of AMD. You may also receive a test called a Fluorescein angiogram. An optometrist will inject a fluorescent dye into the patient’s arm and take various pictures of the eye as the dye passes through the vessels. This test can help the optometrist detect AMD as well. Your diagnosis of AMD may also include a Optical coherence tomography test, which is similar to an ultrasound, but uses light to capture high definition pictures of the eye tissue.

Please call Wiles Eye Center today if you are suffering from macular degeneration, or if you have questions about this condition. You can contact us by calling (816) 455-2020 for our Kansas City location, or for our St. Joseph location, you can call (816)279-7015. Our website is