Friday, July 12, 2019

Did you Know That Electronics Can Damage your Vision?

Modern day as we know it includes electronic devices in nearly every aspect. We work on a computer, are constantly on our phones checking social media, and then go home after a long day to watch television before bed. This may seem like an average day for most, but did you know that electronics can take a toll on your vision?
Digital Eye Strain is a collection of vision-related issues that can occur from prolonged use of electronics. It is a known fact that people spend most of their waking hours on some form of electronic device. That averages out to be 11 hours per day that we are watching, working, streaming, or texting on some form of electronic device. These issues that can arise from prolonged use of electronics show to worsen over time. That means the longer you’re on your computer or phone, the worse these issues can be. Symptoms of digital eye strain include strained eyes, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and shoulder or neck pain.
These symptoms can arise as a result of poor lighting, a glare on the screen, improper posture, or vision problems that have not been corrected. Symptoms are usually temporary and subside once you are no longer using an electronic device. Digital Eye Strain is diagnosed through a typical eye exam that include testing the accuracy of the person’s vision, how well the eyes function, and other tests that may be necessary as deemed by your doctor.
Treatments for Digital Eye Strain can vary greatly, and focus on the causes of the strain. For a lot of people, they are unaware that they have vision issues such as farsightedness. When they have an exam done, their doctor will see the vision issues and correct the problem using prescription lenses or other treatment necessary to correct the vision. For those who do not have undetected vision issues, special lenses specifically for the use of electronics may be prescribed. These lenses block the blue light emitted through screens on these devices.
Although we cannot simply completely cut electronic devices out of our lives, there are ways to help prevent digital eye strain. One way to reduce eye strain is by following what’s called the 20-20-20 rule. This rule consists of taking a 20 second break every 20 minutes, and staring at an object that is 20 feet away. Additionally, frequent breaks should be taken when using electronics for a prolonged period of time. Every two hours, get up from your desk, step away from electronics, and allow your eyes to rest for 15 minutes before returning. You could use the bathroom, grab a snack, go to lunch, or sit outside. It is also important to remember to blink frequently while using electronics to avoid dry eyes. Lastly, but perhaps the most important factor of reducing digital eye strain is proper positioning. The computer should be positioned in a well-lit area, without a glare on the screen. Your screen should be placed only 4-5 inches below your eyes. You should not have to move your head to see the screen. Your feet should be placed on the floor, arms resting on the chair, and your back should be straight while sitting.
All of these factors are important for reducing the risk for digital eye strain.
If you have any questions, or to schedule an appointment, please call us. Our Kansas City location’s phone number is 816-455-2020. Our St. Joseph office can be reached by calling 816-279-7015.

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